Monday, April 1, 2013

BBL + 6DSS Day 1 - Okay, I'm Hungry

I didn't start off hungry, though.  Actually, breakfast left me super full, and I was starting to wonder if this would be better than I thought.  Turns out that I tend to do most of my eating at night, though, with a small or non-existent breakfast in the morning, so I'm starting to feel the grumblies.  Still, it's not so bad.  I should be able to keep this up for five more days.

Possibly my most colorful breakfast ever!

I did make some substitutions to the diet plan, partly because I'm a picky eater and partly to save on money.  For instance, breakfast was supposed to have 1/2 a grapefruit and 1/2 a whole wheat English muffin, but I don't really like either of those things and it seemed silly to buy a whole bag of English muffins when the diet plan never calls for that again.  So, whole wheat toast and chopped strawberries were my chosen replacements.  I also had a glass of warm lemon water before breakfast.  I've read online that it's a good thing to do when you're trying to lose weight, so why not?

For lunch I subbed zucchini and celery for the cucumber and tomato that the salad called for (picky eater), and for dinner I had a cup of onions, broccoli, carrots, and cauliflower mixed instead of the snap peas.  I also messed with the chicken recipe a little.  Plain lemon chicken sounded boring, so I added some garlic and Italian seasoning to the marinade and cooked it on top of onions, and it worked out decently.  I have leftovers, too, so I might use chicken instead of turkey in my salad tomorrow.  It just doesn't make sense to waste food, you know?

Look at all those veggies!
My workout today called for the Basics DVD and the Bum Bum workout, but since I've seen the Basics DVD before and it's basically just an explanation of how to do the moves correctly, I went ahead and skipped it.  I'm feeling pretty good after that workout... just don't ask me to do anything that requires, you know, standing or walking.  That was intense!  I definitely feel it in my legs/bum bum/core, so hopefully I'll eventually see some results in those areas!  It didn't do much for my arms, but if I remember correctly the Sculpt DVD covers that pretty well, so I'll reserve judgment until I've gone through them all.

I am proud to report that, despite having leftover pie in my fridge and being offered Oreos at school today, I did not cheat at all.  I also managed to drink four water bottles full of water, not including the lemon water this morning. 

Also as a side note, I did weigh myself again this morning and came up at 145 pounds, so I think I'll use that for my starting weight instead.  Yesterday I weighed myself partway through the day so it wasn't quite as accurate, and as much as I'd love to claim those extra 2.5 pounds as weight loss due to exercise and dieting, I probably shouldn't ;)

That's all I have to report for the day, so I'll see you tomorrow!  Time to do some homework, and maybe go to bed a bit early so I don't think too much about my stomach XP


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