Sunday, March 31, 2013

Good Beginnings

Last week, for the first time ever, I inched into the "overweight" category for my height.

This is how I feel about that
 I should preface this entry by saying that last week was also ridiculously busy and that by the time I made it through to the weekend, my blood was 50% grape-flavored 5 Hour Energy.  Concepts like "exercise" and "healthy eating" were about the furthest thing from my mind... but if I'm being completely honest, I haven't paid them the attention they need for awhile now.  My weight has been hovering at the high end of "normal" for the past few years, and none of my occasional, half-hearted attempts at exercise have done much to change that.  But last week, for the first time, that bathroom scale hit the big 150.  For a 5' 5" woman, that's .4 pounds into the overweight zone, and even though that's barely anything and my weight's gone down a bit since then, it was enough to make me stop and think.

I'm not happy with how I look, and most importantly, I'm not happy with how I feel.  Even when I get enough sleep, I'm low on energy, and I just feel generally rotten.  My skinny jeans don't fit like they should so I've had to set them aside recently, and I feel uncomfortable when I'm not shrouded in my hoodie (which is unfortunate, as it's finally started to warm up around here).  On a practical note, I'm visiting Ghana later this summer to study African dance, and I'd like to be in shape when I get there rather than spending my time in extreme physical pain.

So, this blog is to help me get in shape.

Because I am a budget-minded college student, I'll be starting off with a system that I bought a couple years back and never took full advantage of: Brazil Butt Lift.  Although it has a name that I can't quite say aloud without snickering because I have all the maturity of a ten-year old, I have tried all of its workout DVDs at least once, and they were fun, challenging, and (I can only assume) effective.  Also, because I want to jumpstart this whole process while I'm still feeling motivated, I'm going to start with the 6-Day Supermodel Slimdown Plan that comes included with the Brazil Butt Lift (pft) package.  The food for next week is sitting in my fridge at this very moment, and though I've made a few substitutions because I am both low on funds and a picky eater, it should hopefully work about the same.

Hello healthy food :)
I'll try to make this blog as interesting and entertaining as possible, complete with before/after pictures, witty anecdotes, and tips from the trenches.  Tomorrow I'll be posting my beginning weight and inches along with a schedule and reward system, and the war starts on Monday.  In the meantime, it's about 1:30 am where I am right now, so I'm gonna peace out.  Catch you on the flip side ;)


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